Oklahoma Public Legal Research System: contains unpublished court decisions.
- U.S. Supreme Court (PDFs of U.S. Reports 1991-, slip ops 2008-)
- Browse documents by Term or search “All Documents or “Docket Files.”
- U.S. Courts of Appeals (links to court websites, coverage varies)
- U.S. District Courts (links to court websites, coverage varies)
- Findlaw (Cases & Codes > Select Court)
- U.S. Supreme Court (1893-)
- Search by citation, party name, or full-text
- Browse cases by year (2005-)
- U.S. Courts of Appeals (1995-, First Circuit 2/1984-, Ninth Circuit 11/1994-)
- Search full text, by party name, or docket number
- Browse recent decisions
- Justia (Laws: Cases & Codes > Browse by Volume or Year (Sup. Ct. 1959-).
- U.S. Supreme Court (1791-)
- U.S. Courts of Appeals (1951-)
- U.S. District Courts (coverage varies) Decisions and Orders by State/District
- Legal Information Institute (LII) (Legal Resources > Federal Law > Judicial Branch)
- Case Law Access Project (Harvard Law)