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Resources for research and study in sociology.

APA Style

Online Resources

In addition to the style manuals available through the RSU Libraries, there are many excellent citation guides available on the open web. The RSU Writing Center's website includes links to the best online style manuals. The Purdue OWL is also a great place to learn more about citing various content types as well as the writing process and grammar.

Plagiarism: What it is and How to Steer Clear

To plagiarize is to treat another person's opinions, words, or ideas as if they are your own.  Plagiarism is not limited to simply copying another person's work; it can also include using another person's ideas or research findings in your work without giving proper credit.  In order to succeed in college, it is important to educate yourself on all types of plagiarism. Click the links below from OWL at Purdue to make sure you know how to avoid plagiarizing.

When is it Plagiarism?

Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing