Please follow these step-by-step instructions to register for this free GRE practice exam. This exam is available through Educational Testing Services (ETS) who administers the official GRE. Registration for their website is required. Please note that RSU Libraries cannot prevent or control subsequent emails from ETS after registration, however you will have the opportunity to select your communication preferences during ETS registration.
1. Complete your registration on the ETS website.
Note: You will need to select the "Login/Register" button in the top right of the webpage, and then select the "Create an Account" link in the GRE box.
![Screencapture of the Create a Test Taker account form from Educational Testing Services](
2. Sign in to continue.
3. Select "Shop for Test Preparation" under the Test Preparation and Tools section
4. Uncheck the first product selection!
Note: This option is selected automatically. This option has a cost associated with it. This is not required for the GRE practice exam. Do not pay for anything for this practice exam!
5. Check the box for "POWERPREP® Online - Practice Test 1 (Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning scores provided)"
Note: The cost for this practice test is $0.00. There is also an option for an untimed version. Be aware that the untimed version will not provide you with scores for the Verbal Reasoning or Quantitative Reasoning sections! Ensure that you select the timed version.
6. Select "Next" at the bottom of the screen.
7. Verify that your product total is $0.00, and then click Submit.
8. Select the "My Test Preparation and Services" link to access your practice exam.
9. Select "Go To Practice Test" to begin.